Although my weight is fine- I still spend an incredible amount of my day active as I can't bear to feel inactive- I don't like how it makes me feel.
I remember reading that the human body is designed to move- constantly; and that our intake of foods is too much and too high in protein.
Basically, it was said that exercise is the answer (running in particular-which helps me keep my spirits up too as it calms me and stops the depression completely)
I sometimes lift weights-used to do them 4 times a week-the muscle has to burn fat to stay muscle-so that works- but my job is very physical-so i'd rather use my time running as it clears my head.A controlled study was done which showed that the seriously depressed improved incredibly when they started running.Id recomend it to anyone capeable- and most people are if they take it slowly to start with-just walking and breaking into a run-then slowing down again- building up the time sensibly.
I cycle alot- 5 or so miles a day-mountain biking -pretty hard work- and have recently gone back to running as this is the most effective for me-I can eat what I like and loose weight if I run only 3-4 miles a day.
So i'm a advocate of exercise rather than diet for weight stability.If you want to feel good and loose weight this way you can expect to loose 1-2 lbs a week if you run for 30 mins a day- which is all I do,,,
And it makes you happier than dieting